Bona Vista


House Type
1st Level Apartment
Maximum number of guests
6 guests max
4 bathrooms

Additional Amenities

No items found.

House Rules

Book Your Vacation Home

Manager's Cancellation Policy

Royal Consulting Solutions uses HomeAway's "moderate" cancellation policy, as described below:

  • If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, notify us as soonas possible. If you notify our company of cancellations more than 30 days prior to scheduled arrival, all money, with the exemption of a 10% transaction fee for payment processing will be refunded.
  • If you cancel your reservation within 30 days or less of your scheduled arrival, we will make every effort to re-rent the property.
  • If the property is re-rented for the same period of time, you will receive the above-mentioned refund, with the exemption of a 10% transaction fee for payment processing.
  • If only part of your reservation is re-rented, we will refund payment for each night booked, with the exemption of a 10% transaction fee.  
  • If we are unable to re-rent the property, any advance payment will be forfeited.

For 21 days or longer the cancellation time frame is 60 days prior to arrival.

Damage Policy
Rental Agreement
Rental Terms & Conditions .pdf